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Lucky Number Coin

Lucky Number Coin a not typically coin . LNC this a coin to bring good luck to the holder, coin that are considered lucky,will be historical significance, or association with certain beliefs or traditions. In crypto worlds, our coin will be a used in rituals or ceremonies to attract luck, prosperity, or protection. All holders LNC , doomed to luck.

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HoW to BuY LNC
To buy LNCoiN, download phantom wallet, purchase SOL from an exchange or bridge SOL and send it to your Phantom wallet then buy LNCoiN on Raydium.


  • Total Supply: 8,100,000,000 LNC
  • Smart Contract: Solano
  • Name: Lucky Number Coin
  • Symbol: LNC
  • Tax: 0/0
  • LP: Burned Forever
  • Address: *****************************************


  • Liquid pool: 80%
  • Founders: 10%
  • Marketing: 5%
  • Charity: 5%

How the idea was born?
Mystical coins. These coins are often made of precious metals and are sometimes hand-made. They are meant to have an aesthetic quality in addition to any supernatural effect, and indeed they are sometimes warn as jewelry. The owner will often not understand the meaning of the texts or marking on the coin, as they are supposedly taken from the occult and have deep mystical meaning (e.g. based on Numerology, Astrology, Wicca, or Kabbalah). Often a seller will match the client to a specific coin, based on his/her name or date of birth, and in this sense personalize it. But in any case, the coin owner will generally have an emotional connection to it. These coins are sold from tens to a few hundred dollars, and can mostly be found in stores that specialize in religious artifacts and in “new age” jewelry shops.
Mass produced “charm” coins, stamped with popular folklore symbols (e.g. a horse shoe, four-leaf clover, or an angel). It is often explicitly written on these coins that they are a “charm” or “lucky coin”. These coins are generally sold for about a dollar in tourist/souvenir shops
“Lucky coins” are coin-shaped charms or talismans, to which some people associate supernatural powers, namely increasing the owner’s luck. The coin shape makes it convenient to carry, but perhaps also gives it a certain subconscious feeling of value because of its similarity to fiat money.
Blessed coins. These may be the most intriguing coins of all since their entire value is based on the faith of the buyer. These are often completely regular circulating coins that have been touched or blessed by some great religious leader, guru, or admired celebrity. These coins are generally given as a gift, and the receiver will consider the coin priceless. Inevitable, these coins do come to market, and if the seller is able to convince buyers of its authenticity, such coins can sell for many hundreds of dollars.


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